Our Story

每个人时常会怀念着在小时候妈妈帮我们挖耳朵的那份美好回忆,终于今天让我们有机会找回那份美好的回忆了- 益耳保 EARPROEARPRO由马来西亚首创专业采耳达人许爱婷导师所成立,为了找回那份遗失童年的美好回忆, 所以四处拜师学艺并不断努力专研与提升改良。迄今拥有多年的熟练技术与专业采耳知识,并替无数的顾客与网红们解决了耳朵的健康问题,并且在网络平台中获得5星好评及分享讨论。
The Story of EARPRO
Everyone often misses the fond memories of mothers digging Our ears during Our childhood. Finally ,today We have the opportunity to find that fond memories again - EARPRO!EARPRO was founded by the Malaysian professional ear picker perfectionist Ms.Aiting Khoo. In order to get back this lost childhood memories, She went to learned from overseas and improve the technique and knowledge. So far, She has many years of proficient technology and professional ear picking knowledge, She has solved ear health problems for countless customers and influencers, and has been praised and shared with 5 stars reviews in the online platform.

EARPRO's professional ear care Therapist trained by founder Ms. Aiting Khoo personally. They have rich practical experience with skilled craftmanship and professional customized tools to clean the ear canals for customers.During ear care process, the nervous system inside and outside of the ears will stimulated to relax the brain, thereby relieving fatigue and stress. Keeping the ears healthy and maintaining the health of the hearing system.
Throught EARPRO's Professional ear care technique, it can effectively solve the problems caused by ear stones and oil ears. Ear picking Regularly can improve hearing, prevent otitis media, tinnitus and insomnia.